tree HOUSE construction_

It all begins lik a dream.

Sorrounded by the jungle in north of Laos a small team of 8 people works for complessively 6 month to build a 60 m lodge at 40m from the ground.

Nature, work, life, friends became fundamental part of the project.

1 ITalian, 7 lao. On the tree communication goes with 7 different languages: Lao, Hmong, Khmu, Lameth, English, Italian, Nones. 

First Stage

The construction part proceeded slowly and cautiously in the first stages with the construction team made by 6-7 people hanging from safety rope on the tree. Lots of care has been taken installing the main beams and inserting the steel connection.


The two main floor areas are made by rays of beam connected to the main trunk and supported by wood struts and/or steel cables. This system allows to reduce the number of screws in the trunk and improve the stability avoiding the risk of buckling on the 5 meters long struts allowing in the same time a large surface for distribution at the first floor. 

Toilet view a View

The toilet area hanging with cables from the branches allows that water to freely fall without creating wet place all year long near the trunk. Once the main structural skeleton was built was possible to set up small platforms to make the work on site easier. 

“All the material is carried on the tree through the zip-line and processed there.

Cutting, planning, sizing everything is prepared at canopy level”  

Floor and Stair

The floor is made with a lighter kind of wood cut into planks and installed in a radial way from the main trunk. Only at this point the tree started to be more and more livable.   

A straight stair connects the two levels in a tangential way making the ascension a continuous movement that allow the visitor to move up on the plant without interrupt his view on the landscape.

“The roof is covered in rattan leaves collected in the area surrounding and prepared by local women”

The Roof

The 8 pitch roof structure follows the octagonal plan with one main branch escaping from one side, transforming the slope into an A frame structure and avoiding so cutting in the roof.

“After 6 months spent on the tree, I can think of it like a close friend. Investing time to know and learn from it, will stay in my heart and mind as one of the most magic, unique and inspiring project” 

Special thanks:
  • Jean Francoix Remouix: Director of Gibbon Experience for the opportunity, the choice of the tree and for the many advices based on past tree house constructions.

  • Yann Gourmelon: for all the drone operations and the 3d model of the tree.

  • Souksamlan Laladeth Toun: head of the techinic team for the support and experience during the construction sharing also the filming aspect

  • All the technic team: Teu, Njava, Lar, Kert, Son, Yunn, Phan

  • All the kitchen team: Le, Ter, Gnom, …